

[ファッション][靴]deliveryの意味 やっぱり・・・そして


We are sorry to advise that Crockett & Jones have notified us today of a
delay of 8-9 weeks on the Chiltern. This is when it is now due to come
off of the production run at the factory.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

In view of this delay, may we please ask to confirm whether you wish to
wait for this or to cancel your order.

あ、deliveryってやっぱり「出荷する」って意味であっていたのね。サイズ切れ・・・orz さすがに9週間も待っていたら、真冬になってしまう。そこでこんなお返事を出しました。

Do you have "Tedbury 7E or Chartsey 7 1/2 E"? and Can you send me this
model insted of Chiltern?
I'm afraid that Tedbury is out and I need to wait or cancel order.

「Tetbury 7EかChartsey 7 1/2 Eがあったら、代わりに送りやがれコンチクショウ!」


We confirm that we have ordered the Tetbury in the Dark Brown Suede in Size 7.5 E from the factory. As soon as we have details of availability on this we will advise you further.

We are sorry to advise that the Chertsey has been discontinued and we are no longer able to obtain further stock in this style in your size. Sorry for any disappointment this may cause.

Trust that the above is helpful, and that we may be of further assistance to you in the future.

おいおいおい、Tetburyは7 Eで指定しただろうに。いい加減な仕事をしてたらいてこますで!

I'm sorry that Tetbury 7 1/2 E is a little large for me.
Please change size on Tetbury 7E.Thank you for your cooperation.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

内容は、「Tetbury 7Eって指定したじゃねぇかふざけんなこのやろう、馬鹿野郎!」